Elliott Confidential
Elliott Confidential Podcast
Rio Confidential: What we found in Brazil's tourism capital

Rio Confidential: What we found in Brazil's tourism capital

In this episode: Checking out Christ the Redeemer, the botanical gardens and Rio's famous beaches

Hello from Rio!

Today’s episode is unapologetically touristy. We’re hitting all the highlights, from Cristo Redentor to the Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. One is an underrated national treasure, the other is an overrated attraction with next-level crowds.

Speaking of crowds, here’s this week’s question: What is the worst crowd you’ve ever experienced while traveling? I’m talking Tokyo Subway, New Year’s in Manhattan-level crowds. Please share your comments, and we’ll read them in the next podcast.

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This is Rio’s signature attraction, Christ the Redeemer. It’s a 98-foot Art Deco statue overlooking the city on Corcovado mountain. It’s on everyone’s bucket list, and rightfully so. There’s a stunning view of Rio below. But …

The crowds are next-level. On Friday morning, it was madness at the top of the mountain. We took our pictures and then bolted. Our recommendation? Visit during the off-season if you can. We’ll tell you more about our visit in the podcast.

Rio’s botanical garden is a national treasure. There’s a better view of the statue from the fountain, and it’s far more serene. Pro tip: Visit the orchidarium, which contains hundreds of rare and beautiful orchids that you can only find in this part of the world.

Of course, there are also the famous beaches of Rio, like Ipanema and Copacabana. They are some of the most beautiful beaches we’ve ever seen, but also crowded and a little rowdy at night. Better to visit during the early morning when the sun is still low on the horizon and everyone is sleeping off their hangovers.

We’ll have more from Rio next week.

Please don’t forget our question: What is the worst crowd you’ve ever experienced while traveling?

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