Yes; we head to a grocery store to buy sparkling water, fresh fruit, cereal and milk. I do sometimes bring a few days worth of my own cereal from home. Usually, we have studied maps and have a list of places we want to go...
seek local knowledge...whether it be at a cafe....a pub....or by striking up a can read the feelings of the local population towards you, as a tourist......and know how to proceed with grace....and have more fun!
Grocery store first! Since we only do carryon, we pick up toiletries. My husband likes to try local snacks and potato chip varieties. I look for local dark chocolate and produce. The mini pineapples in South Africa were amazing. We also ask other shoppers or store workers; a store worker in a small town in Norway turned us onto one of the best frozen pizzas we've had and it's one we wouldn't have purchased on our own.
Inspect my room, leave my luggage and begin exploring the city on foot.
Yes; we head to a grocery store to buy sparkling water, fresh fruit, cereal and milk. I do sometimes bring a few days worth of my own cereal from home. Usually, we have studied maps and have a list of places we want to go...
If in a new city or village if available we take city or town tour to show us around
seek local knowledge...whether it be at a cafe....a pub....or by striking up a can read the feelings of the local population towards you, as a tourist......and know how to proceed with grace....and have more fun!
I get a SIM card at the airport and money at the airport.
Grocery store first! Since we only do carryon, we pick up toiletries. My husband likes to try local snacks and potato chip varieties. I look for local dark chocolate and produce. The mini pineapples in South Africa were amazing. We also ask other shoppers or store workers; a store worker in a small town in Norway turned us onto one of the best frozen pizzas we've had and it's one we wouldn't have purchased on our own.
Wonderful, have fun at the volcano!
Take a walk and get a lay of the land.
We unpack, have a meal and explore. We head to the grocery the next morning.
If I am somewhere for more than one night, I immediately unpack. If it’s been a long plane ride or train trip, I then get out for fresh air.