Mar 26, 2022Liked by Christopher Elliott

At least 20 years ago after leaving a poor review for a stay at an inn in New Hampshire because of being grossly over-charged & successfully disputing the bill with our credit card, we received an unsigned letter from New Jersey threatening us by reporting us to the IRS for tax evasion unless we removed the review & also implying that this was coming from the mafia & we better watch our backs. We forwarded the letter to the authorities & the IRS, and never heard anything more.

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Oh, that's bad. Thank you for sharing.

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Who else should be reported sooner to the IRS for tax evasion than the "mafia"?

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Christopher Elliott

I was kidnapped twice in one night in Bankok. Don't ever take a tuk tuk or a taxi by yourself--anywhere. Always 2 or more.

I'm lucky to be here. The first kidnap was when the tuk tuk driver took me to a whore house instead of the legit place I wanted to go for a thai massage. When I complained I was chased by the tuk tuk driver and the bouncer.

Then I took a taxi to the massage place. Instead of the massage place he too me into the jungle! I had to jump out of a moving car and run into the jungle. The driver looked for me but couldn't find me.

After a long time in the jungle I made my way back to the road and walked. Eventually I found a boarding school. They got the English teacher and he got me a tuk tuk. It was exactly midnight when I returned to the hotel and nearly collapsed.

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That's crazy. Thank you for sharing your story.

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My husband said the same thing almost happened to a shipmate when he was in the Navy in Hong Kong. Thank goodness his sailor friends noticed their buddy’s rickshaw taking a wrong turn after leaving them in order to go back to the ship, so they yelled & ran after them & the rickshaw driver dumped the poor sailor out & got away fast.

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Christopher Elliott

When I arrived in Cape Town, being a lot younger, I had to wait outside the train station for my ride. I had my backpack on and my pocket knife in my R side jeans pocket..... 2 guys approached me from L and R and at the same time both tried to pull off my backpack. Being cool under pressure I gently managed to open my pocket knife inside my pocket, and then I pulled it out and touched the guy on my L with the blade w/out injuring him, just wanted them to know, I'm not an easy target. In that moment my ride arrived, jumped in the car and it was all an incident I keep looking back at now and then, but it was the only incident during my month long travel in SA.

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OMG. That is the worst.

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Christopher Elliott


Know before you go


Never go alone

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Why not alone? I traveled the world, alone w/ out any major in idence. Better alone than with ppl.who always want to do something else than I do.

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Christopher Elliott

Years ago, my daughter called from Mexico, terrified about guys following her with nefarious intent. I told her to go to the airport where tight security is always maintained. For the same reason, tight security, I once met a buyer for some estate jewelry at a lux casino.

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Good advice.

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Christopher Elliott

A number of years ago, as a 19-year-old, female college student, I was taking a summer semester in Bogota, Colombia. Our U.S. instructor had gone over many safety tips to ensure our safety. It was important to "blend in" so I wore a ruana (it looks like a poncho) over my street clothes and my head; I did not carry a purse and just had a money belt under my shirt. In broad daylight one afternoon, I was jumped by 3 males, who proceeded to "frisk" me from head to toe, mumbling in Spanish "where is the gringa's purse?" before I managed to get in a few kicks and screams. I guess the blonde hair was too noticeable on a breezy day. No one came to my aid, on the street, or from any of the buildings, which was disappointing.

Another time, I was on my first work trip to Miami and my company had arranged for a car to pick me up at the airport and take me to my hotel, the Four Seasons. The Jamaican driver proceeded to drive me all over the place while hitting on me and trying to sell me pot; it was late at night and I was scared; I told him I didn't want my father, who was already checked-in with my mother, to smell that on me as he was a long time Miami cop. Instant turnaround to the hotel.

Sadly, when I got to the hotel and went to check in, the staff would not allow me as they said they did not allow women like me to stay there! What?? I was dressed in business attire, but, with my long blonde hair, and guys hitting on me while I waited to check in, they assumed I was one of the local "escorts." I had to call my boss at his home and get him to call the hotel and remind them that they do a lot of business with that hotel and that they needed to immediately apologize and get me my room! It was so very embarrassing to have to deal with that, especially once I was back in the office the following week.

Another time, I was standing in a line with a flight attendant friend in London, waiting to buy tickets to an event. There was a group of men behind us who were talking loudly amongst themselves and then laughing. Suddenly, my friend turned around and started shouting at them in Arabic! They were completely stunned, and red-faced, slinking off into the parking lot. My friend said those men were saying really lurid things about us and what they wanted to do. She basically told them how despicable and inappropriate they were and how would they feel if someone had been speaking to their wives, sisters, or mothers in that way.

I was on a cruise once with my mother. While I was taking a shower, I noticed that one of the rivets was missing from just above the shower controls, exposing a hole. I looked into the hole and saw an eyeball looking back at me!!! I screamed, raced out of the shower, grabbed my robe as I was running past my mother. I was out the door and rounded the corner, running into one of the ship's officers. I explained what had happened and he said he would contact the ship's hotel manager. I met with the manager a while later, and, he had not heard from anyone. He checked the shower and found that it backed up to another cabin on the other side of ours, but, no one was occupying that room. That's when it dawned on me that I had run into the culprit, but, without a name and a better description, I was told nothing could be done. It took two loud conversations at the front desk during busy times the next day, but, the cruise line comped our entire trip.

Over the years, I've had to make sure I pack a hat and some baggy clothing for times when I need to be incognito. It did get old.

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Christopher Elliott

I live in South Carolina and always pay attention to situations or people. My wife was bugging me worried about our trip to Peru in May and proved to her that statistically we are far more likely to be the victim of a crime here than in Peru. That said when away I pay attention and don’t do things like go out walking late at night etc.

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Huh??? Well it tells me one thing.Stay and enjoy the sights of the United States of America!

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Mar 26, 2022·edited Mar 26, 2022

The kindness of strangers: While on a train from Rome to Naples, a family sitting across from me started a conversation— kind of! They spoke little English and my Italian was just a few sentences, but it was enough for them to coach me on safety for when we arrived at our destination. I had read up on Naples, pickpocket and purse stealing brazenness, etc. but the adults pantomimed scenarios— sometimes charades-like with the kids collapsing into laughter. The mother and father were (mostly) serious and very helpful.

I was thankful to meet this family and many other thoughtful and giving people there. If only more “citizens of the world” could look out for each other.

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I lived in NYC for 7 years without any incidents. However, when describing where I lived, I used an old Rodney Dangerfield joke: “My apartment was a short run to the subway, depending on who was chasing you.”

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Several friends who traveled to Italy, Rome in particular said, “it’s not if your going to get robbed there it’s when”. Assume you will....sad

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By the way I don’t know the laws in South Africa but here legally if you are in public you don’t need anyones permission to take anyones picture. I forgot I was in Rome in 2008 and witnessed a theft of a radio. I took a picture of the Police -these guys were Financial police chasing the guy. About 15 minutes they came up to me and in Italian were pissed I took their picture. I deleted it because I had no desire to argue ordens time in jail.

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My story happened in Greece. We have traveled all over the world, but Greece was the only place where one of us was attacked. We had a rental car. My husband was waiting to make a left turn into a parking lot. He ALWAYS uses his directionals. Just as he started to turn, a driver passed us on the left. There was a near accident. The driver of the other car got out and came to our car. I thought the doors were locked, but I was wrong. He yanked open the door and started hitting my husband. The whole time screaming at us in Greek. My husband kept his calm, though I'm not sure how. There were people all around watching this because we were going to one of the ruins, so lots of tourists from everywhere. I'm not sure what the guy would have done if we were in an isolated area.

We had spent years exploring western Europe. Rent a car. Go to the countryside and explore. Greece was the last time we took a trip by ourselves. From that time on, my husband will only go on group tours. The hotel operator in Athens also tried to cheat us by double charging for our room and refusing to correct the charge. It was expensive because we had paid extra for a room with a balcony and view of the acropolis. We were put in a small room at the back of the hotel with no balcony and no view. I stood in the lobby demanding we get what we paid for. Eventually they got tired of me making a fuss in the lobby and moved us to a room that had the features we had paid for. We will never go back to Greece and I share my story with anyone who is thinking of going there.

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Oh, that's HORRIBLE! We are headed to Greece in a few weeks and this is a very helpful cautionary tale. How long ago did this happen?

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I believe it was about 15 years ago, but still as scary as if it was last year. It was before the Greek economy tanked. The woman at the small hotel where we were staying was horrified when I told her what had happened.

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In 2019 drove all over Greece and had no problems and never felt threatened. It’s unfortunate what happened but something like that could happen anywhere. Greece and the islands are fantastic. Enjoy the trip because I’m betting you go and you should go!

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In Ireland 2017, I had called a cab from my hotel to go downtown to get a gift. I checked in advance that the cab took cards. The cab waited and when I asked to return to the hotel, the driver demanded cash. It was the last day of my tour so I did not have enough cash to cover the fare. I offered what I had or the card, the driver took the few euros and left me. Turns out, he was a rogue cab driver pulling a scam. Could have been much worse. Fortunately, I told my friends where I was going and called a legitimate cab to take me back. Now, with rideshare or cab, I verify the name, photo etc. or I get out.

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I began world travel in 1961 andmy hysvand in 1950. we knew then not to take ohones in oe near airpirts, govt building comnercial bulds and we learned you had to ask people if they minded gaving their photos taken. My fuide books always warned people of the trick where a young person asked to have his photo taken with your group (his friend takes the photo) while standing with you, he gets chummy and puts his arm around waists. simething to feel. unbuckle. a d before you know it your walket is gone.

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Having traveled extensively all over the world I only had 2 instances of someone trying to stop me from taking a photo. Once was while biking in Africa part of the tour had a bus link where the road would have been dangerous to bike on. The bus lost the front brake & while they were repairing it (every man there giving instructions!) we all got off the bus. I walked over to a ridge line & was about to take a picture of the valley below when a highly intoxicated local came over & demanded I pay him for the right to take a picture. I refused & as he grabbed for my camera another man interceded & dragged him away. In China I started to take a picture of a water Lilly & man rushed over & said he 'owned' them & demanded a payment. Once again I refused & was assaulted with a barrage of Chinese which I didn't understand...but I took the picture. I have taken MANY pictures of individuals...with a smile & a hand gesture that I would like to take their picture. I have never been refused. Altho his incident was much different I'm wondering why he didn't show the man the picture he took which would have shown that he wasn't the subject...? With the advent of digital cameras it became much easier to show people the picture you just took of them & most were delighted. That might have diffused an ugly confrontation.

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