Dia duit from Dublin!
We’ve landed in the Irish capital, and oh boy, do we ever have stories to tell. We live right across the street from one of the most famous pubs in the city.
Before I show you, let’s do this week’s question: What’s the loudest experience you’ve ever had in your travels? I’d love to hear your tales of noisy parties and high-decibel attractions.
So here’s the source of our noise — it’s the bar to Aren’s left in Dublin’s Temple Bar district. Our rental is directly across from it. We’ll tell you how we’re getting along in the podcast.
The Liffey and the Dock Lands — yes, still under construction — in the distance. This is one of our favorite walks in Dublin because there are nice wide sidewalks and fewer tourists. When the weather is nice, it’s just perfect.
Here’s how they smoke salmon over at Kish Fish, which was part of our culinary tour with Anantara. The fish get rubbed down with salt and left in a refrigerated room for a day before smoking.
That’s Chef Gareth from the Anantara showing us how to make Irish soda bread. It’s delicious and he has a great recipe that only uses plant-based material. We’ll have details about our culinary tour in the podcast.
More from Ireland soon. I hope you’ll join us.
In the meantime, please don’t forget this week’s question: Tell us about the noisiest experience you’ve ever had in your travels. Like, when the Fountains of Bellagio in Vegas go off and you’re right next to them. Now that’s loud.
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