We were on Maui when Iniki struck Kauai In 1992. Everything on Maui was shut down due to the hurricane force winds. We stood on the beach and watched the hurricane pass by until we were run off the beach by security. We went back to our condo and made our own fun. I came home pregnant

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I was in a floor-to-ceilng glass condo a block from the beach in New Zealand when a cyclone hit during the day. Glass was shaking, sea came into town. Power went out and couldn't get any news. I used my mobile phone to call my husband in the States. He internet-ed to get NZ news/info and kept me updated. He said "move away from the glass, winds will increase." I dragged a mattress into the hallway and slept fitfully, listening to screaming winds and shaking glass. Next morning, it was calm(er), but roofs missing, property damage.

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Rainy season in South East Asia can be really tough. I have been there at that time as I have family there and visiting depends on their schedules. It is much better in dry season. Best thing is to have alternate plans if needed and make the best of it. Hopefully the storm passes quickly and you don't mind mud.

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Early in our marriage, my husband and I did a ski trip to Smugglers Notch , Vermont. Days before our trip, the weather was in the 40-50's with no chance of snow. Rather than cancel , we changed our Amtrak tickets to Montreal and Quebec by bus. We got lodging that had transportation to the local resort. However, it was weekends only and no ride sharing services. The hosts felt bad and drove us to and from the resort for three days at no additional charge. Snow and weather was great for skiing and we had the best time and plan to return this winter.

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We never allowed weather to "ruin" a vacation. In 1986, we were on a trip to historic sites and adventures in the East and New England. I had save vacation time and was able to take a month - it was our last "family vacation" because the oldest of the kids still at home had just graduated from high school and the tip was 2-years in the planning and saving $$. ALL lodgings were booked. Then to start us off, 2 days before departure I get a call my Dad is in ICU. He either had a heart attack or a stroke - not certain which - but DOES have pneumonia. (It was pneumonia only thankfully - it was bloody hot & his A/C was not working.) I spent the next day packing for the trip and getting ready to leave. He looked like death warmed over when I got there the second day after the call. 3 days later, he is in a regular room and true to form is NOT going to cooperate to be taken to his winter home, he is going to his summer place when released. So I wrote down our itinerary & license plate number in case something changed and we started the vacation. This is just the background.....

Now for the weather part. The last week of this trip through history & battlefields was a windjammer cruise on a 2-masted schooner for a week off the coast of Maine. Sweet! Ahhh. one hitch - Hurricane Charlie was making his way north off the coast of Maine. Far enough out that we could sail, but it was cold and rainy. Other schooners went past and we could see passengers huddled and looking quite sad. But us? We were having a great time sailing. The weather DID improve and all 6 of us had a great time. WE used to go camping = rain most times so a little hurricane was not going to stop us.

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We were vacationing in the Outer Banks when a hurricane threatened to hit – – mandatory evacuation. We fled a few hours north to Virginia Beach, where we found a hotel room on the beach to keep us safe. (we were hoping to salvage some of our beach vacation.) Alas, the hurricane hit Virginia Beach full force! Electricity went out. Debris was flying around outside like in the Wizard of Oz. The wind screamed and howled. Hotel staff brought out all the candles and flashlights they could find. The guests all huddled in the lobby. Staff served us warm wine and beer, and snacks from the kitchen, and we played War and Rummy card games until the wee hours of the morning. The kids loved it-- truly a memorable vacation.

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